Friday, October 14, 2011

Sara's S's

Ok. So you may rinse your food off first.  But otherwise -- leave your food WHOLE - in its natural state - as much as you can.  The less our food is altered, the better it is for our bodies.

Eat simply.  This goes hand-in-hand with eating our food straight from the ground.  Prepare your meals with few ingredients.  Not only will it save you money on your grocery bills, but it was what your body was made to consume.  

In other words, eat locally.  By eating food grown in your surrounding area you have more control over it.  Consider the pesticides used or the path taken to grow and transport a banana from Central America up to your grocery store. It is impossible to know all the variables.  This is only the tip of 'the importance of eating locally' iceberg.

We can all agree that it's a beautiful thing to eat a red, ripe strawberry year-round.  But, I believe that our bodies were made to eat what the Season brings.  For example, the time for berries is Summer; Wintertime yields meat, as vegetables and fruit do not typically grow during this, the coldest season of the year.

I am not a pro at my four S's, but I fully believe that our bodies were meant to eat according to them.  I think I'd like to try harder.  Maybe a 30-day challenge. Hmmm... Any ideas?  And, any takers?


  1. AMEN, sister! Do you have a good place to find local produce. I really like how Whole Foods clearly marks their local produce, but other than that, what do you do? Also, how do you incorporate food storage into all this? Did you put up or preserve anything you grew over the summer? Since having Drummer I am trying to cut out so many sweets (hoping to help this last bit of baby weight come off as well as be healthy) but other than that, I'd love a more concrete 30 day challenge to which we can all be accountable with each other. I'm on board!

  2. Katy - I'm just beginning to search for the local goods. I love Whole Foods' labels. Great idea. The Farmer's Market and River Arts Market downtown, Whole Foods, and Publix are the extent of my local food finds. And yes, Publix too. Unfortunately, there aren't many things and no clear labels. I have to search the produce! But I'm going to start doing some research. We'll see what else I can find!

    I'm going to see if I can find another (someone with more experience!) to post about their preserving their garden goods. I'll let you know!
