Monday, October 3, 2011

Delicious Autumn!

Fall, a breath of fresh air!  In Northeast Florida, the Fall we experience is quite subtle; the coolness creeps in, slowly manifesting itself at night and the leaves tend to change ever so slightly.  On occasion, a flaming Fall tree can be seen.  This may seem a bit disappointing to some as Fall is generally revered for its brilliant colors and crisp air.  And, almost all would agree that 74 is not crisp.

Yet, I find myself loving the Fall here more and more, year after year.  It may not be the beginning of a New Year, but I can't help but feel invigorated.  There is something about the coolness: it awakens my yearning for knowledge and to create good food for my family's growing bodies.

One of the benefits of living in Florida is that every season is a planting season.  I may still be considered a novice gardener, but I'm learning every season and loving the experience of growing goodness.

I would like to share with you my experience -good and bad- of Florida gardening on my small piece of dirt; some of my favorite recipes using food from our garden; and anything else related to Sprouting Goodness.  We'll see where it takes us.  

I find much joy in the beauty of the Earth and cannot help but share it!  My hope for this blog is that I will share my knowledge with you and you will share yours, as well.  This way we can learn together and edify one another.  So, if you haven't begun yet, YOU Florida gardeners, or anyone else who is able to plant in Autumn -- let the gardening and sharing of ideas begin!



  1. yeah! I am in love with this blog already! I am trying to figure out how to grow a garden here. I know it won't be just like Florida gardening, but it will be somewhat similar, right?! :) We have just a pot garden growing right now...peppers, cucumbers, peas, pumpkins, basil, mint, and rosemary. I can't wait to buy a house to plant a real garden! :)

  2. Sara, I am reading through your blog now and I think it's just lovely! Your thoughts are very inspiring and refreshing. I love this idea...keep it up! It's so nice to have and to read.

  3. Love the photography as well! Great job! You rock, sweetheart! Gorgeous pictures...
