Tuesday, April 3, 2012

good ol' fashioned fun

We took the two oldest boys to the Clay County Fair last weekend.
I'm from the Seattle area and grew up going to the
Puyallup Fair --  a fair which continually ranks
in the top ten largest fairs in the U.S. 
It's a doozy of a fair.
If you ever get the chance you should --
"Do the Puyallup."

The sights, sounds, and smells of the Clay County Fair
made me nostalgic for my old home.  This one wasn't as large,
but definitely made for a fun evening with my family.
The riding lawn mower race was a hit with the boys.
They covered their ears the entire time,
but just couldn't walk away from the show. 
The birds were noisy, too.  ;-)
If I remember anything from that night,
please let it be the expressions the boys wore
while being whipped around the corner
in their tiny race car.
 They ran from ride to ride, sampling lemonade, corn dogs,
and the fair's ever popular -- funnel cake.

It was nice to leave the baby home with a babysitter.
Just the two of us and the two of them.  They loved it.
And, we loved that they loved it.
It ended with light sabers clashing in the back of the van.
I'd have to say the night was a success.


  1. I agree, those smiles! Glad you guys were able to have such fun.

  2. So fun, Sara! What a great idea to just take the oldest 2...looks like they had a blast!

  3. What fun and yummy deliciousness! Samuel's smile in the car -- priceless!
