Friday, December 2, 2011

It's about time, right?

Here's what our place looked like Thanksgiving week.  I thought I would be able to continue posting my local food eating, but as you can see from the date on the last post -- my expectations for myself were too high!

My job during that week was to keep trouble little people out of the way - therefore - out of the house.

I did miss a few days of eating locally, however, I still feel like I've benefited from the challenge.  Those of you who participated, I hope this has been a good experience for you, too.  I've  tried some new recipes - some that will definitely be repeated - and have increased my knowledge of where to look to locate the local.  I think I can call it a success.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh wow. That is so hard living with remodeling going on. Show us the finished room! I can't wait to see it.
