I experienced my first tropical storm. I thought it was fascinating to watch the trees sway and bend as they did. And, amazing to see how much water could dump from the sky. How can a cloud hold so much? It's miraculous. I love the rain. Unfortunately, my garden's experience wasn't as good as mine. Beryl came through and drowned my zucchini and pumpkin. I suppose that is gardening for you. Or, life, for that matter. We just can't control everything.
But then, there are other things that are growing beautifully. My blueberries are ripening. The youngest member of our family tends to pick them off before the rest of us get the chance. The harvest isn't large. The bushes are still young. Nonetheless, it's working! We have blueberries!

The sweet 100 tomato plants, which sit in pots in my driveway, are also ripening. They give us something to snack on when we're out with the boys, riding bikes. Also, our yummy sweet peppers are are turning shades of orange, yellow, and red. I keep finding orange peppers, half eaten in the yard. Someone loves the oranges ones best. Hmmm... wonder who the culprit is....